Trenin Bayless is ‘TurnCoat’: Montana White Nationalist Vies for State Legislature Seat While Preparing for Societal Collapse

Trenin Bayless is the current Republican candidate for the Montana State Legislature in District 74. On the surface, Bayless appears to be a conventional contender for public office. He has a PhD and a decade-long career in academia as a writer, researcher, teacher, and public speaker. He’s worked for the Montana Office of Public Instruction… Continue reading Trenin Bayless is ‘TurnCoat’: Montana White Nationalist Vies for State Legislature Seat While Preparing for Societal Collapse

Matthew Dylan Cady Identified as “Bingus Dingus”: Terminally Online, Terrorgram-Adjacent Troll

Introducing Matthew Dylan Cady as the Individual Behind the Terrorgram Adjacent White Nationalist Internet Troll Account “Bingus:D Dingus:D” The identification of Matthew Dylan Cady as the individual behind the terminally online, accelerationist fascist, terrorgram adjacent white nationalist, white separatist Bingus Dingus owes a massive debt of gratitude to SCReserchClub and a number of anonymous antifascists… Continue reading Matthew Dylan Cady Identified as “Bingus Dingus”: Terminally Online, Terrorgram-Adjacent Troll